Speech Pathology Australia - the peak body representing Speech Pathology in Australia
Audiological Society of Australia - The professional Association for audiologists in Australia
Australian Stuttering Research Centre - A Centre developed by the University of Sydney, whose purpose is to establish and disseminate knowledge about stuttering and its treatment.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) - The American peak body representing Speech Pathology in America
American Academy of Audiology - a Professional organisation for Audiologists
American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology & Practice -a voice and resource for private practitioners
American Auditory Society- the Society provides a formal platform for the interchange of information from allied professional fields
Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists - the national voice and recognized resource for speech-language pathology and audiology
British Association of Audiological Physicians - contains useful audiology sites
Georgia Speech-Language-Hearing Association - Provides a useful list of web resources for communication disorders
Hearing, Speech & Deafness Center - An educational, service, and supply resource for deaf, hard-of- hearing , and speech impaired people.
National Center for Voice & Speech (NCVS) - The NCVS is an interdisciplinary, multi-site team of investigators dedicated to studying the powers, limitations and enhancement of human voice and speech.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders - NIDCD is mandated to conduct and support biomedical and behavioral research and research training in the normal and disordered processes of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech, and language.
Acoustical Society of America - International scientific society, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications
Hardin MD: Speech Pathology/Speech Therapy - A directory of Web sites compiled by librarians at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa.
Net Connections for Communication Disorders and Sciences: An Internet Guide – includes resources in the field of speech-language and hearing disorders.
MEDLINEplus: Speech and Communication Disorders - The National Library of Medicine provides health care information for professionals and consumers.
Basic Foundation Information for Communication Disorders and Sciences- basic foundation information relevant to communication disorders and sciences.
intute-Language Pathology resources – a gateway to web resources on Speech Pathology
SLP "Start Page" - list of resources and links related to Speech-Language Pathology from the home page of Dr. Caroline Bowen an Australian Speech Language Pathologist. Articles - is a website that provides articles on a wide range of Speech Pathology topics.
Speech Language Pathology Website - Award-winning website with many Speech Pathology related links. Contains an extensive list of
resources for professionals and parents.
National Aphasia Association- a nonprofit organization that promotes public education, research, rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families.
intute - Aphasia Resources - Intute (formerly OMNI) is a gateway to resources for Speech Pathology and related areas.
Clinical Aphasiology Conference - This site allows a search of abstracts of papers presented at previous conferences.
intute - Audiology Resources - a gateway to web resources on audiology
Autism and Aspergers Syndrome
Autism Research Institute – ARI focuses on research, and disseminating the results of research, on the causes of autism, and the methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood.
Center for the Study of Autism - The Center provides information about autism to parents and professionals, and conducts research on the efficacy of various therapeutic interventions."
intute - Autism Resources - a gateway to web resources on autism
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies (CCBS) - In this website you will find scientifically validated information about the causes of autism, and the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approach to treating it. The content of this Section is carefully refereed by an Advisory Board comprising the leaders in ABA and Autism.
MedlinePlus - Autism Resources - Comprehensive coverage of autism, what it is, causes, diagnosis, treatment, research, related issues and more.
Children's Resources
Raising Children Network - Australian website to help parents and carers raise young children. It provides expert, impartial information on raising children from newborn to eight years old. The website has been developed by the Raising Children Network (RCN), a consortium made up of three early childhood organisations: The Smart Population Foundation (SPF), the Victorian Parenting Centre (VPC), and the Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) at The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne.
Speech and Language - Webpage developed by Wyoma Clouss, a speech pathologist in America. Provides resources on articulation, language, early language and the brain, and literacy
Speech Therapy Activities - Site has a variety of printable activities and ideas for different ages. To access resources, click on the subject heading in the top left corner of the webpage
Articulation and Phonology games - Offers interactive games and activities to assist Speech Pathologist's providing therapy for speech language delays
Speech - information for parents and teachers concerning speech language delays, ages, milestones, developmental delays, special ed and other learning disabilities.
Advance Ability - This site focuses on how children learn to read and how parents and educators can help them acquire the necessary skills.
Apraxia-Kids Website - Articles include information about diagnosis, assessment, treatment,and research.
International Dyslexia Association FAQ - Contains facts, definitions, common signs, and information about dyslexia
intute - Dyslexia - a gateway to web resources on dyslexia
Dysphagia / Swallowing
Dysphagia Online
intute - Dysphagia - a gateway to web resources on dysphagia
Dysphagia Resource Center - Collection of resources on difficulty in swallowing
Evidence Based Practice
Rehabilitation guidelines - web site contains a database of web-based Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines from recent scientific publications. This database is a teaching and reference tool that will allow students and rehabilitation specialists to make informed decisions in choosing an effective intervention for their client
Hearing and Hearing Disability
Australian Hearing - An Australian Government agency established to help people manage their hearing impairment so they have a better quality of life.
Deaf Resource Library - An online collection of reference material and links intended to educate and inform people about Deaf cultures in Japan and the United States; as well as deaf and hard of hearing related topics.
International Federation of Hard of Hearing People - Useful Internet Links- Links to various sites for people who are hard of hearing .
Hearing and Hearing Disorders- Information on the Internet about hearing and hearing disorders.
Otolaryngology - (Specialises in diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders)
Otolaryngology Resources on the Internet - A list of links to Otolaryngology websites provided by the Baylor College of Medicine
intute - Otolaryngology Resources - a gateway to web resources on otolaryngology
The Stuttering Foundation of America - provides online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering
National Stuttering Association-other stuttering sites- An American association
intute - Stuttering Resources- a gateway to web resources on stuttering
Diseases, Disorders and Related Topics - MeSH Classified" Resources on Internet for the general public and health care professionals
Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources - a much commended subject listing of links to Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy; Public, Occupational and Environmental Health (including injury prevention) etc
Hardin MD - Medical picture gallery
MEDLINEplus - quality, up to date information and resources listed by condition/disease [US National Institutes of Health] including dictionary and encyclopedia
Medical Images and Illustrations - hundreds of sites providing health related images, illustrations and atlases [Karolinska Institutet]
Virtual Hospital - from the University of Iowa includes online textbooks and patient teaching materials
HealthInsite - reliable health information for Australians sponsored by the Commonwealth Government
NOAH: New York Online Access to Health - one of the best and most useful free Internet health services
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