Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy




Disability Services Commission (W.A.)

Mental Health Council of Australia

National Disabilities Servies (W.A) National Industry Association for Disability Services

OT Australia (National) Australian Association of Occupational Therapists

OT Australia (WA) Australian Association of Occupational Therapists WA.

OTCATS: Occupational Therapy Critically Appraised Topics.

This site contains CATs and CAPs focussing on Occupational Therapy interventions. University of Western Sydney.






American Occupational Therapy Association



American Occupational Therapy Foundation






NMAP ( U.K.) A catalogue of selected Internet resources in Nursing, Midwifery and the Allied Health Professions



Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse (MOHO)



OTdirect ( U.K.) An independent site for Occupational Therapists, OT Assistants and students.

Produced by occupational therapists. It includes a list of links to key websites for Occupational Therapy.



World Federation of Occupational Therapists



World Health Organization




Evidence-Based Practice



Cochrane Library : Research of different health care treatments and interventions



Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy : A practice web portal



OTseeker: A database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to Occupational Therapy.