Digital Photography Review
Disney Informer
Contains home tutorials and other information such as "What's new"
Focal Fix (Digital Photography)
Free Flash Tutorials
35 minute lesson plans and units fo instruction. Topics include online flash lessons, interactive animation and learn to draw lessons. Teaches students how to create a flash cartoon.
Graphic Design - Favourite Resources for Web Design
Macromedia Website Production Management Techniques
Webmonkey: the web developers' resource
Artlex Dictionary of Visual Art
Great reference material in art, art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and art education. Definitions of thousands of terms, illustrations, quotations, and links to other resources. the shared resource for creative design
Covers news for the graphic design, computer graphic and web graphic community.
Web Graphics
Database of Virtual Art
The Database of Virtual Art documents the rapidly evolving field of digital installation art. This complex, research-oriented overview of immersive, interactive, telematic and genetic art has been developed in cooperation with established media artists, researchers and institutions.
Animation archive
This site leads to the Disney Information site. But the home page does have a lot of information on how to animate.
Animation: Larry’s toon institute
Free lesson plans teaching skills on animation , and sketching
Animation Meat
Current animation news from around the web
Animation Tutorials
Sound & Visual Tutorials
Cartoonster features a collection of fun and interactive tutorial that teaches skills on how to create animations. Software used is Macromedia Flash 6.
Clay Animator How to site
Deals with: craft design, sound & visual , graphic & design, Visual arts and crafts.
This site contains interactive tutorials, instructions lessons and examples of clay animation.
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