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Page history last edited by West Coast Insitute of Training Library 15 years, 4 months ago

Western Australia Industrial Relations Commission This site looks at a range of topics including Legislation, Unions and Associations, Research and Publications.


FMA – Facility Management Association Australia This site is for those who manage people, process, assets and the work environment. The FMA is the largest and most respected professional association of facility managers in Australia


Business.gov.au: Your business gateway to government information and services

Produced by the Australian Government, contains a wealth of information for people setting up businesses. Includes how to obtain grants and other financial assistance.




Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Government website that discusses employment, workplace relations, careers, training and wages.


Brint.com Business and technology website with links to numerous sites. Recommended by Business Week, Fortune, Wall Street Journal etc. Have to take the time to investigate, but can be worthwhile.


Bpubs.com:The Business Publications Search Engine


The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes Best practice includes many working documents and forms for use by members and visitors. They are free unless noted otherwise. Large documents must be downloaded.


Graduate Management Association of Australia The GMAA is the nationally recognised Professional Association for graduateshaving MBA, DBA and other postgraduate business management qualifications in Australia. For the best use of this site you will probably have to become a member.  However the when you click on WA at the top of the site you will get the following links WA contacts ; WA Documents ; WA functions ; WA Links


Global Edge A very good general website with facts and statistics from all over the world. Includes information such as economy, GDP, population and life expectancy.


Australian Institute of Management WA AIM is a private not for profit organisation committed to being a partner in the development of world class managers and leaders.


Australian Journal of Management Issues back to 1991 in PDF format. It is currently available free of charge


Business Week online All of the current issue, articles from the international editions and more.


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