myDr an excellent site provided by MIMS
Activ Look in "Parent Portal" at the bottom of the page then “syndromes and conditions” to find Activ Foundation resources on various disorders and syndromes.
All Nurses American Site
Speech Pathology Australia is the national peak body for Speech Pathology in Australia.
Speech Pathology Austalia: Fact Scheets
The Private Speech Pathologists Association of Western Australia
American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) Look in "The Public" Tab. This menu covers such things as Hearing & Balance and Speech, Language and Swallowing.
Australian Hearing
Australian Institute of Health and Wedlfare (AIHW) Australia's national agency for health and welfare statistics and information. Topics covered include: aging and aged care; housing and homelessness; population health; alcohol and other drugs; mortality; diabetes and hospitals.
Speech Pathology Australia
Caroline Bowen - Speech Pathologist
Cells Alive
Disablity Service Commission WA
Diabetes WA
Diversional Therapy Diversional Terapy practitioners work with people to provide facilities to co-ordinate leisure and recreational activities.
Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body
Health Department of WA
HELIOS: the WA Health Libraries Information OnLine Service This catalogue containsthe holdings of all WA Health Libraries.
The Independent Living Centre of WA Enables people to find out about, see and trial a range of equipment, assistive technology and trainig resources for people living and working with disabilities, injuries and age-related difficulties.
Inner Body - Human Anatomy Online
Mental Health First Aid
Nursing Board of Western Australia
Nursing Centre is your portal to more than 700 continuing education activities and thousands of clinical articles from 50 leading nursing journals published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, including the American Journal of Nursing, Nursing2006, Nursing Management, The Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, and many more specialty journals.
Population Health Division, Health Dept of WA
Resource Unit for Children with Special Needs
Women and Children's Hospital, Adelaide
For Information on what is required when working as a Therapy Aide please follow these jobguide links 631411F and 631411F/WA and this link to the MyFuture website.
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